The Way Of The Cross

The Way Of The Cross Programme Cover

a short programme of reflections on the stations of the cross

by Fr Donal Neary SJ
adapted by Mike Sparks

April 2004

  • Tuesday 6th at 8.00 pm
    Camden Road Baptist Church, Hilldrop Road, Holloway
  • Thursday 8th at 7.00 pm
    Queensbury Methodist Church, Beverley Drive, Queensbury
  • Good Friday 9th at 8.00 pm
    Finchley Methodist Church, Ballards Lane, Finchley

The full programme [48K pdf] for this production is available from the archive

PerformersJenny Sparks
 Mike Sparks
 Carol Sewell
 Steve Sewell
TechnicalDavid Constable

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Thur 28 to Sat 30 November 2024 at 7.30pm
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